Friday, August 29, 2008

Platform of inspiration & learning for FRACGP candidates

This blog is created by a MAFP/FRACGP candidate himself, to allow more interaction and communication between doctors who are preparing themselves for MAFP/FRACGP examination Part 1 or Part 2. It is hope that this blog can later be a source of inspiration and reference for new potential candidates. The present batch of candidates find the level of official coaching and guidance insufficient. If the academy cannot help us, we must find ways to help ourselves. I hope this blog will help to alleviate the problems faced by the existing candidates. The success of this blog will depend on the level of commitment and participation of the candidates themselves. Do participate actively to ensure the success this blog.

Thank you for your paricipation.


Song said...

Thanks for your effort in initiating this blog. I think all who take part will benefit a lot from it. I really hope everyone will take active role in making this a success.

Thanks again.

Dr Song

Song said...

I would like to suggest to add
a side bar area to the blog layout to show the lastest/recent posting and comment, so that on clicking on the link, we will access the lasting posting/comment without requiring to browse thru all the posting/comment everytime. This will save a lot of time everytime we log in the blog to view any new posting/comment.

FRACGP1 said...

Dear Song,
I am not too good at formating the blog yet. Shall try.


FRACGP1 said...

Dear Dr. Song,
Tried but dont find such facility in this blog provider. If you happened to know how to create this side-bar, please advise me.


Unknown said...

HI THERE DR TI,or should i address you as fracgp.Kudos to you for starting the ball rolling.I had problems initially in joining as i am not a computer savvy myself.So i created my gmail first at the google website b4 i can use it as username.Are some of you having problems like i did?Don't give up.I made several attempts before i succeeded.

Song said...

I got this from my friend, do you think you can try it out?

FRACGP1 said...

Dear Song,
Tried but with no success. The instructions are quite complicated

Song said...

I managed to create the side bar with the Recent Post and Recent Comment with the instruction, but did not proceed. The next step will be putting in all the recent post/comment automatically to the column in front page side bar. I think you can try to print the instruction out and follow step by step. It will be much meaningful by putting this feaure in our blog.

Song said...

I successfully created the Recent comments and posts and enable the recent posts/comments to be shown on the sidebar. Please read the email I send to you.