Monday, September 8, 2008

Age Care/Anaemia/DVT

Greta J. is a frail 82 year old patient who presents with a two month history of increasingly severe dyspnoea on exertion. You do a full blood count, and find that it shows a normochromic normocytic anaemia. Which of the following is most likely to show this result on FBE?
a) Bleeding piles
b) Diverticulitis
c) Carcinoma of the large bowel
d) Chronic renal failure

Albert S. developed a deep vein thrombosis in his right leg two months ago. In spite of warfarin therapy, he now has one in his left leg. You are worried that this might be a sign of some other underlying pathology. Which of the following conditions is associated most strongly with the development of recurrent DVTs?

a) Metastatic disease Correct
b) Cigarette smoking
c) Testosterone replacement therapy
d) Varicose veins

For easy reference, I am beginning to code the question: Q9/1 means Question 1 of September, ... Quote the reference code in your answer. I shall also begin to give the answer as a new post instead of adding in as comments. I shall also try to post the answer before the question is hidden under older post.