Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Answer to Q9/3, Q9/4, Q9/5, Q9/6

The correct answer is (b).
The national policy on cervical screening provides consensus guidelines on which women need screening and how often Pap smears should be taken. It states:
“Pap smears may cease at the age of 70 years for women who have had two normal Pap smears within the last five years.” Women over 70 years who have never had a Pap smear should have 2 consecutive pap smears performed. Women who request a Pap smear should be screened.If older women are finding pap smears uncomfortable, the use of topical oestrogen for 2 weeks prior to taking a pap smear can reduce the discomfort due to atrophy/dryness.

The correct answer is (c). A benign essential tremor is present constantly, but becomes more pronounced when the limb is maintained against gravity. It is lessened by rest and not markedly enhanced during voluntary movement towards a target. An intention tremor is typical of cerebellar disease and a rest tremor is more likely to be caused by Parkinson’s disease or be an exaggerated physiological tremor.

Answer to Q9/5
The correct answers are MMR, VZV and Oral Rotavirus Vaccine.
You should seek further advice if you are considering administering the following vaccines: MMR, VZV, Oral Rotavirus vaccine, as they are all live-attenuated vaccines.

Answer to Q9/6
The correct response is the influenza vaccine. Note that egg allergy is no longer a contraindication to vaccination with MMR, however closer observation post-vaccination may be warranted. For information on egg allergy and MMR vaccine, refer to the 2nd last dot point of Section 3.11: Measles: Precautions on page 207 of the Handbook.

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