Thursday, September 4, 2008

Consent for vaccination

Those areas of weakness that we tend to dislike are often the favourites in postgraduate exams. One of these area is the regarding the consent. Another one is regarding confidentiality (I will look out for this and post it later. BTW, I would like to aknowledge that all these posting are adopted from gplearning provided by racgp. Nevertheless, we can make it more interesting here by interacting with one another.

Which one of the following is correct regarding valid consent for vaccination?
a) Consent of a parent or legal guardian is required for vaccination of all Australians under 16 years of age
b) Explicit verbal consent is required at all follow-up vaccination visits even when written consent to the vaccination plan has recently been given
c) The person giving consent no longer needs to have the opportunity to seek further information for consent to be valid
d) Valid consent is automatically fulfilled if a 14-year-old child says they will have a vaccination even though they don't want to and their parents are forcing them into it

The answer and explanation shall be given as one of the comments after 5 responses by 5 different candidates.


Song said...

My Answer: D
Actually I don't know, just guessing

Unknown said...

either A or B.Consent is a compulsory thing as it is medicolegal.vaccinations as we know are not without if time is almost out i'll just do the ini mini minor it A?
Are u finding problems joinig this blog?I made 3-4 attempts b4 i finally manage to join.I first created my gmail on google website then i used that to join the blogspot.GOOD LUCK!

Lim Chin Joo said...

Answer: B

Su Lin said...

My answer is B

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

my answer is D. D for dog.